Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Intraday NF Buy & Sell Calls

Buy @ 7920 Tgt1 7938 Tgt2 7956 Tgt3 7980 Sl 7900

Sell @ 7894 Tgt1 7874 Tgt2 7856 to 7846 Tgt3 7824 Sl 7916

Both Calls Not Get Active Today

Today Nifty Future Made High 7923.65 Low 7888.50 Closed 7907.50


mayur said...

How do u decide on call active or not as today, sell call got active as nifty was below 7894 for more than 5 mins

Unknown said...

also NF traded above 7920..so whats the criteria to enter or not enter trade. In my understanding both buy and sell side got activated but SL got triggered